Kalob & aunt Brittny
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Kalob's Birthday!
Pinewood Derby
Receiving his awards
Funny thing, all 6 trophies went to 3 boys. They each won one for speed and one for design.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Camp Mabry
A friend of ours knows about Colton's obsession and is in the military. He had given Colton an real military hat that Colton wears on a daily basis (he even wears it to bed occasionally). Anyway, he told us about this annual event going on at Camp Mabry this past Saturday. Of course Colton was so excited to go, so we all went together as a family. It was really cool. They had all kinds of activities for the kids to do. There was a helicopter show, and all kinds of tanks and artillery that you could go on and in. They had a reenactment of WWII that was pretty cool to watch. All of the artillery, weapons, and clothes were completely authentic from that war. We had to wear earplugs cause the guns and tanks were so loud. After the show was over they let the kids come out onto the field and collect the bullet casings. They were in heaven! It looked like an Easter egg hunt. Colton later told a friend that he got to see a "movie that was in real life". We also got to ride in an authentic WWII military jeep. The kids thought that part was a lot of fun. The day was smoldering hot and humid, but it made me appreciate the soldiers even more cause you know that's usually how they have to fight, in extreme weather conditions. Anyway, I'm so glad we went (even though I was sick with whatever my kids passed along to me). It was a great experience that I know they'll remember for a long time, especially Colton.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
More April events
We had done our egg coloring and candy egg hunt on Saturday, the day before, so that we could keep Sunday a more reverent day to focus more on Christ. This was something I had done growing up and had grown to appreciate. I'm determined to keep it as a tradition in my little family. I'm so sad cause I didn't even take a single picture of any of it! We did take some movies thanks to Eric remembering. I've been so bad about taking pictures and movies the past couple of years, so hopefully blogging will help me get better at it. Here's some pictures that my friend, Lanae, took of our kids last year though. They were so cute and I never even really shared them with anyone, so I'm going to take the opportunity right now.

Easter Sunday started off quite nicely. The kids were all waking up in good helpful moods. Beau had been practicing his talk with Eric for like an hour and had a lot of it memorized so that he could say it on his own. He was excited about doing it and so were we cause he sounded so cute while he was practicing. When it came time to go to primary he seemed a bit tired, but he didn't really say anything about it. He had been up the night before tossing and turning ALL night long in our bed! And Thursday night he had a small fever and finally told me (after having to ask him several times if anything was wrong) that his throat was hurting. Anyway, since I'm in the primary I happened to be sitting right behind him and noticed his head fall slowly to the side. He had totally fallen asleep. Suddenly his head jerked up and the startled look on his face almost made me cry. I was so glad I was there to comfort him. He just looked so disoriented. I had him come sit next to me and lay his head down. He was back out in a split second. He pretty much stayed asleep for the next 7 hours! My parents and Eric were starting to get worried about him (I wasn't too worried for some reason ??), so we finally got him to wake up by telling him he could drive the car if he got up. I've never seen any of my kids wake up so fast. He literally popped off the couch and said, "let's go"! Before that we had tried EVERYTHING to get him to wake up. We were bribing him with cinnamon rolls and all kinds of treats, but to no avail. His eyes would pry open and shut the next instant. It was really sad looking. He looked like how I imagine I probably looked at the beginning of this pregnancy. Anyway, he seemed fine after that though. All in all it was a nice day. We ate dinner at my parents house with them and my sister, Brittny. Then later had our "scripture egg hunt" which the kids seemed to enjoy (surprisingly even though there was no candy involved). We started a little tradition back in 2003 taking a casual family picture (nothing fancy), but I was so tired that day that I blew it off. I'm already kind of regretting it. Oh well. I feel like a slacker this year with holidays! Since we didn't take one this year I thought I'd post some previous years. It was pretty funny to see how we've all changed over the last few years.
Friday, April 17, 2009
I can't believe I'm actually doing it!

I had looked everywhere for some little birds like these and could not find anything! Lanae is like me when it comes to party planning, so she totally understood my dismay when I couldn't find the perfect birds. She ended up making these adorable birds out of felt the night before the shower. She had planned on using them for her daughter's room afterwards (which happens to be birds and birdhouses). It worked out perfectly! I was so happy when I saw them. They were exactly what I was looking for. They actually are just like the birds that were on the invitations. Speaking of the invitations, here they are below. Oh, also, I had planned on growing wheat grass to stick them in, but totally forgot until it was too late! I was so sad! Oh well, this grass worked just as well I guess.
Since you can't really read it, it says:
Please join us for a
Baby Shower Luncheon
Lanae Monson
She will soon add a little Birdie to her Nest.
On Saturday, April 4th
beginning at 1 o'clock pm
at the Mott Residence
If you want to help the parents to be
instead of a gift, a package of
diapers will bring them Glee!
Lanae's sister made these adorable invitations and then sent them out. Seriously, the picture does not do them justice. They were the cutest invitations ever! Notice the cute little bird paper along the top. It went perfectly with the bird/garden theme.
Views of decorations. I had wanted to make some pompom things to hang around, but I thought they'd be hard to make and expensive to buy. But Lanae ended up finding instructions on how to make them. We made a few of them together and then I ended up making 10 more later. It was actually really fun making them. I love that Lanae had a great variety of cute maternity photos that I was able to use as part of the decor. On the clothes line I was going to have 2 vintage pillowcase dresses on it that I was to make for Lanae, but I ran out of time, so she had to get them after instead. I ended up just using my samples of the dresses, pantaloons, and diaper covers I used to make and sell.
The food table. I used some birds and birdhouses from Lanae's daughter's room to put around with the food and throughout the rest of the rooms. I'm so glad she had so many things I could use.
This is the game table. We played three games. We tried to keep them simple and quick. The first was they would get a clothespin pinned on them when they first arrived. They couldn't say "cute" or "awww" or they would get it taken away. The person with the most at the end of the shower would win the prize. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. It made me realize how much I saw "awww"! The second game was we had little plastic babies frozen in ice cubes. The first person to have their baby melted out of the ice cube, or their "water break", won the prize. The last game was we melted 6 different candy bars in a diaper for each and they had to guess which diaper was what candy bar. I couldn't get over how much the candy bars seriously looked like real baby poop! It was so gross, but so hilarious. The person with the most right would win.
Since this was a mostly bring diapers instead of gifts shower, I had to make some diaper cakes. I love making them. They're so easy and make such fun decorations.
Then Lanae opened her gifts. That's the part I always love! :)
I had so much fun putting this shower together with two of my dearest friends. I'm so glad to have them both in my life!